Category: Office 365

How to Find your missing dirsync server.

Hi, Okay, it isn’t so easy, but the following help you to the right track. If you don’t have a separate service-account for Local AD connection, then you can use this: dsquery user -name MSOL_AD_sync If you have a service-account,…

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Assign permissions for mailboxes before migration.

Note for my self and others 😉

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Set Booking Window for all Room Mailboxes with powershell.

Connect to Exchange Online with powershell $session = New-PSSession -ConfigurationName Microsoft.Exchange -ConnectionUri “” -Credential $cred -Authentication Basic -AllowRedirection  Import-PSSession $session  To change: get-mailbox|where {$_.recipientTypeDetails -eq “roomMailbox”} | Set-CalendarProcessing -BookingWindowInDays 365 To check the windows: get-mailbox|where {$_.recipientTypeDetails -eq “roomMailbox”} | Get-CalendarProcessing…

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Allow External senders to create meetings to a room mailbox.

This one is easy. Well hard to find, but easy. When connecting to Exchange with powershell (Onprem or Office365) get-calendarprocessing mailboxname | fl You will get the following listing: And ProcessExternalMeetingMessages with be set to False Just type set-calendarprocessing mailboxname…

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get-aduser old mail-attribute and set-aduser to a new one and keeping the old prefix.

So you have generated users in your ad that you want to move to Office 365. Before you dirsync the user to the Cloud you can change mail-attribute. But after the user in synced to Office365 you cannot do this…

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CRM 2013 sp1 and a new List component

Hi again, Today I got in the middle of a problem. CRM client told me:   But at the same time Web interface was working correctly. After some investigation i found that CRM for Outlook version have been updated to…

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Sorry we’re having trouble signing you in with Office 365

Does this look familiar to You? If so you are not alone and the fix is. Delete Relaying Party Trust for Office 365: And then update federation data with this.

or  And it works also with ADFS…

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Change upn-suffix for all the users in certain OU

Get-ADUser -Filter {UserPrincipalName -like “*@domain.local”} -SearchBase “OU=whateverisright,DC=contoso,DC=com” | ForEach-Object {     $UPN = $_.UserPrincipalName.Replace(“domain.local”,”newdomain.local”)     Set-ADUser $_ -UserPrincipalName $UPN } Easy as opening a banana, right? 🙂

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Find unlicensed users with powershell in Office 365 and apply a license.

If you have many users synced to Office 365. It will be more efficient to user powershell to license them. This is how: connect-msolservice and enter crendentials. Get-MsolAccountSku will display the license types. And then: $AccountSkuId = “tenantname:STANDARDWOFFPACK_STUDENT” $UsageLocation =…

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Lync and Exchange Web Services (EWS) and different DNS Domains- Exchange crawling e.g. for presence

Source: there is always confusion in how Lync is crawling Exchange Web Services (EWS). Generally it is necessary to understand how DNS must be implemented: Just remember, identify if you have DNS Split configuration, different internal and external DNS…

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