Category: Lync

Quick tip of the day! Tried this one? Get-CsUser –Filter {LineUri –eq “TEL:+3581234567”} And got error: It won’t work. Try this one. Get-CsUser | Where-Object {$_.LineUri -like “TEL:+3581234567”} | ft -property DisplayName, LineURI And all is well!

Hi all, Glad to see many has found my blog and that is why it’s nice to share things 🙂 Yesterday I installed an reverse proxy with IIS AAR 3.0 on Windows Server 2012 R2. Word of advice on this…

Lync 2013 Monitoring is great … well when it works 🙂 Today one customer wanted to open Response Group Usage Report and got nothing after 15 minutes on waiting. The reason was a broken index in lcscdr database. And the…

Source: there is always confusion in how Lync is crawling Exchange Web Services (EWS). Generally it is necessary to understand how DNS must be implemented: Just remember, identify if you have DNS Split configuration, different internal and external DNS…

And Hi, Excellent article on TrustModelData by Terence Luk: Location of the “TrustModelData: registry key for the Lync 2013 Client Those who are familiar with the certificate warning message: Lync cannot verify that the server is trusted for your…

Well this is annoying. When try to modify Skydrive or Lync shortcuts or even add a desktop shortcut they wont work. Hopefully there is a workaround for this. Add [ to Start In -box … like this: And you have…

Connet session: $cred = Get-Credential domainusername $session = New-PSSession -ConnectionURI “https://LYNCFE.FQDN/OcsPowershell” -Credential $cred Import-PsSession $session Disconnect session: Get-PSSession | Remove-PSSession