Category: Onpremise

Exchange 2010 sp3 RU5 and Online tenant Hybrid

We had a customer with multiple smtp domains at onpremise Exchange. 1. First you need to add them to authorized domains in Office 365 control panel. 2. Add the given txt -records to public dns. 3. Go back to Office…

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How to display only user databases in SQL

This is how: select * from sys.sysdatabases where dbid>4 and [name] not like ‘$’

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Find SQL-database backup dates

Type this query to find them:   SELECT T1.Name as DatabaseName, COALESCE(Convert(varchar(12), MAX(T2.backup_finish_date), 101),’Not Yet Taken’) as LastBackUpTaken, COALESCE(Convert(varchar(12), MAX(T2.user_name), 101),’NA’) as UserName FROM sys.sysdatabases T1 LEFT OUTER JOIN msdb.dbo.backupset T2 ON T2.database_name = GROUP BY T1.Name ORDER BY…

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What to do when VCenter start fails after demoting Domain Controller

MS SQL is the backend database, yes. If you have access to the DB server, the easiest way to view/modify the table is via MS SQL Server Management Studio. – Open MS SQL Server Management Studio and point it to…

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Verify Exchange update rollup version

Open powershell and type: Get-Command Exsetup.exe | ForEach-Object {$_.FileVersionInfo}

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