Category: Exchange

Design and implement encryption for email messages Design an email encryption solution based on methods available in Microsoft 365 Features Feature Description Message Encryption (OME) – Encrypts messages for internal and external recipients. – Allows encrypted messages to any email…

Microsoft has announced that Cross-tenant user data migration is now generally available. What means User data and how the Identity will move between the organizations with the mailbox move? Read the announcement here. Let’s see what this solutions is about….

In simplified terms there is two different ways to build a cloud service. Cloud-based or Cloud native Hybrid There is also different possibilities to federate Identities between Cloud service providers but also with Federation services through on-premises environment. Azure AD…
And there you have it, this is the last section in my study guide. This time made longer posts, hopefully they weren’t too long to read. Stay tuned for more! Specify priorities for mitigating threats to applications. Specify a security…

What was released? With 2022 H1 there came some significant update to how You manage and license your Exchange-servers in a Hybrid setup. Exchange Management Tools Update You don’t anymore need Exchange Server for management purposes (Management Hybrid) you can…

AAD Connect v. came just a week ago and it had an ugly bug. What’s wrong? All the user that will be disabled in Exchange Hybrid environments will have their mailboxes deleted from the cloud. Shared Mailboxes had a long…

Time to move from On-premises Hybrid to the cloud. What it takes and what could be the problems with the process? End of Life for On-premises versions Skype for Business 2015 mainstream end date was October 13, 2020. However, the…

** This doesn’t concern Exchange Online in any way, only on-premise versions ** Today Guaricore lab team discovered on-premises Exchange autodiscover vulnerability. I want to call my blog post “Autodiscovering the Great Leak” but that seems like too much as…

This is part 2 of compliance and user governance. Here is part 1. Attack simulator is a tool for educating users and gathering insights on what they do wrong or right. Who can use it? If your organization has Microsoft…

Hi again, Now to my all-time favorite topic, Exchange covered with identity and security. How many times have see the error above when running HCW as an Exchange admin, I bet many and we will get to this later on….