Category: Hybrid

Azure AD Application proxy is an essential tool for providing access to your on-premises applications. In the past you could use it as a reverse proxy to internal Web-based (accessible with browser) applications and you could define One URI per…

Deploying external server to Defender for Cloud Deploying those servers can be done with the following methods: And this is the reason we are talking about Arc as an onboarding tools. See more here But as many use Azure for…

In the picture above, you can see how Conditional Access will evaluate those guest users. The majority of users who are typically thought of as guests fall into this category. This B2B collaboration user has guest-level access in your organization…

Identity protecting is challenging if you don’t know what you should protect and when you do, you should know how to protect it. In the second part we will be discovering more on Conditional Access as a dynamic boundary in…

Well, finally it’s time for a new part to my study series for Microsoft Security certifications. I have published guides for SC-100 and SC-300 and now it’s times for the “little” ‘sis between. Hopefully you will find this helpful, giving…

Continuing from last post with the same topic but now from the negative side of things. What could go wrong if you don’t do it right. This post will assume that you are still having on-premises AD with ADCS and…

Continuing with the do’s of Identity and supposing that you are in part of your journey that you have either Hybrid or fully cloud-based identities. In the last part I covered how you can keep your External users in bay…

Microsoft has announced that Cross-tenant user data migration is now generally available. What means User data and how the Identity will move between the organizations with the mailbox move? Read the announcement here. Let’s see what this solutions is about….

Continuing with the do’s of Identity and supposing that you have a Hybrid identity setup. This will translate to having Source of Authority (SoA) in your on-premises environment. We covered parts of user sync, what kind of solutions to use…

Continuing with the do’s of Identity and supposing that you have a Hybrid identity setup. If you still need (haven’t convinced you otherwise) federation services in on-premises, use should use Defender for Identity sensors for ADFS What it needs? ADFS…