Category: Azure B2B

Azure AD External Identities with SAML IdP part 2 of 2

In this part we will see the end-user experience and what you could use instead of Direct federation. SAML-based External IdP can be also done with federating your cloud-based domains. The idea and the concept is the same but in…

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Azure AD External Identities with SAML IdP part 1 of 2

In the picture above, you can see how Conditional Access will evaluate those guest users. The majority of users who are typically thought of as guests fall into this category. This B2B collaboration user has guest-level access in your organization…

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Do’s and don’ts concerning security for Identity part 4

Continuing with the do’s of Identity and supposing that you are in part of your journey that you have either Hybrid or fully cloud-based identities. In the last part I covered how you can use Hybrid Identity Administrator role, Automation…

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Automatic assignment policy in Entitlement management

If you are not familiar with Entitlement management, read this first. Microsoft keeps evolving Azure AD Entitlement management solution, here is a feature added previously. And there is again a new feature added, let us see what it is. Automatic…

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TOTP globally available for Azure AD B2C

I wrote before a post about B2C in general, how to use our own custom domain thru Azure Front door and how to use custom policies. I prefer that you read these out to get clearer picture of B2C functionality….

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Section 3 – Design a Zero Trust strategy and architecture – Design an identity security strategy

And onward to the next section in my SC-100 study guide: Note: includes hybrid and multi-cloud scenarios! Design a strategy for access to cloud resources Recommend an identity store (tenants, B2B, B2C, hybrid) Recommend an authentication strategy Recommend an authorization…

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Section 15 – Plan and Implement an Identity Governance Strategy – Plan, implement and manage access reviews

Next section to my SC-300 study guide will cover the following: plan for access reviews create access reviews for groups and apps monitor access review findings manage licenses for access reviews automate access review management tasks configure recurring access reviews…

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Section 14 – Plan and Implement an Identity Governance Strategy – Plan and implement entitlement management

Next section to my SC-300 study guide will cover the following: define catalogs define access packages plan, implement and manage entitlements implement and manage terms of use manage the lifecycle of external users in Azure AD Identity Governance settings What…

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Section 13 – Implement Access Management for Apps – Implement app registrations

Getting to the end, slowly but surely. In this section covering the following: plan your line of business application registration strategy implement application registrations configure application permissions implement application authorization plan and configure multi-tier application permissions What is App registration…

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Some of my personal favorites for auditing Microsoft environments

Professionals are always finding out ways to report M365 or Azure environments, automating activities or remediating threats. There is insane amount of content available to achieve these goals but I want to list some of my favorites in this post….

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