Category: On-premises

Azure AD Application proxy and some previews

Azure AD Application proxy is an essential tool for providing access to your on-premises applications. In the past you could use it as a reverse proxy to internal Web-based (accessible with browser) applications and you could define One URI per…

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Azure Arc with Defender for cloud

Deploying external server to Defender for Cloud Deploying those servers can be done with the following methods: And this is the reason we are talking about Arc as an onboarding tools. See more here But as many use Azure for…

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Section 4 – Mitigate identity threats part 2 of 2

Identity protecting is challenging if you don’t know what you should protect and when you do, you should know how to protect it. In the second part we will be discovering more on Conditional Access as a dynamic boundary in…

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The history of Offline files and how to affect the future?

Offline files This time I wanted to write about a little bit different headline and that headline is Offline files. Offline files in Windows allow users to access files stored on a network share even when they are not connected…

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Tips and tricks on Securing your Data factory

Why? Like we all know Identity is a hot topic after the MFA fatigue methods or discovering and attacking our resources as external or internal entities but the often overlooked aspect of security is inside the data layer. You could…

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SQL Server 2022 and Azure ARC with Azure subscription model

SQL 2022 has arrived and in this post I will try out the new setup that should have Azure ARC install embedded. Why to use Azure ARC with SQL 2022? One reason could be security, you will get these features…

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