Month: April 2021

Using Azure File Shares with On-Prem ADDS Authentication and S2S VPN Tunnel

Nowadays, Azure Files supports identity based authentication over SMB through two kind of Domain Services. You can either use Azure Active Directory Domain Services (AADDS) or the old On-Prem Active Directory Domain Services that most of the environments already have….

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Azure Cognitive Services – Speech

Hi all, Last week I was doing something really different (not new because I already knew a little bit of Java and .net) I guess that my mind set is going like Microsoft future plans for certifications. Half hardcore architect…

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Exchange Modern public folders and how-to cope with them.

With Exchange Hybrid public folders there is two options, either Legacy or Modern. You always have to migrate them to the cloud either thru Exchange Hybrid (13,16 and 19) and Exchange Hybrid (10) or with Third-party tools. If You have…

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