Category: Microsoft Authenticator

Posted by Harri Jaakkonen Posted on 13/11/2022 0 Comments on Do’s and don’ts concerning security for Identity part 6
Continuing with the do’s of Identity and supposing that you are in part of your journey that you have either Hybrid or fully cloud-based identities. In the last part I covered how you can create your own roles and use…

Posted by Harri Jaakkonen Posted on 30/10/2022 0 Comments on Do’s and don’ts concerning security for Identity part 4
Continuing with the do’s of Identity and supposing that you are in part of your journey that you have either Hybrid or fully cloud-based identities. In the last part I covered how you can use Hybrid Identity Administrator role, Automation…

Posted by Harri Jaakkonen Posted on 23/10/2022 0 Comments on Additional context in Microsoft Authenticator notifications is now generally available!
Posted in Authentication methods, Azure, Azure AD, Identity, Microsoft Authenticator, Security
Why to use? Additional context is now out of preview and you really should enable it as soon as possible, it’s really really important that your users understand where they login from! Multi-factor authentication is excellent security feature, in the…