Your identity, identification or credit card is important, don’t loose them and don’t take it lightly. Even if talking about social security number or just your email. Both can be hijacked and used for purposes you don’t want.
How you can protect yourself, notes from the field (not corn, not funny I know)
Don’t give your credit card to someone … this should be easy, right?
But, now when we live in a digital world surrounded in our homes there is always you can loose your identity and you wont even realize they went before you get bills and other stuff that don’t belong to you or kind of they do, but you get the point.
How to secure the environment with Microsoft solutions.
Number 1 – Data Loss Prevention (DLP)
With DLP you can protect the information inside emails, SharePoint, documents or Teams chats from flowing out.
Example you can use it for regulatory purposes like GDPR.
Or to comply regulations with Defender Endpoint.
But also protect our on-premises file shares from data leakage.
DLP is an excellent tool to keep governance in-place for your precious data inside your communication. Microsoft 365 is alway evolving evergreen environment that needs to be nourished security wise.
Number 2 – Information Protection
This came in Windows Server 2008 r2 and was called Information Rights Management. I built these and I can tell it was a pain back then.
You had to have PKI Services that were exposed outside, up-to-date revocation lists and SAN names to somehow find the correct service.
Well, now it’s called Microsoft Information Protection and it’s available from the cloud. You can also force Conditional Access to labeled files.
With MIP you can stamp the files that you want and make them call home for rights and revocation information.
Then you can justify the users to lower or even remove the policy. And even protect Power BI content with the labels.
You will use label policies to mark the files depending on our company compliance policies.
Number 3 – Microsoft 365 Defender for Endpoints:
Microsoft has introduced protection for all Endpoint devices that consumers or companies can have. Including Apple and Android, phones, laptops and tablets.
You can detect jailbreaks on IOS devices or protect company data when Intune is installed and so much more.
Defender is always evolving and constantly getting improvements.
Number 4 – Intune:
Intune is Microsoft solution for managing devices, phones and laptops. With Intune you can keep your company profile seperate from your own data. You can disable copying the content from company profile to personal and vice versa.
Intune will keep track of your devices updates on the firmware and software level and much much more.
So, these all are technical solutions, but the best protection on your identity, data or social security number is always you. Think what you do and where you do it. Everyone can do mistakes, but keeping an eye for mysterious addresses and funny requests from people you don’t know keeps you safe from harm.
Over and out,