Author: Harri Jaakkonen
Hi all, Yesterday a customer had a problem with Edge replication from Central Management Store (CMS) So installed Lync Logging Tools from And then started OCSLogger.exe on Frontend to see what was wrong. And started initated replication with…
Hi again, This was an excellent script to find all Line Uri’s assigned in Lync for users, response groups and dialin.
Yesterday I got a request to seek and change two DTE ip-addresses. Only problem was that these ip’s were generated by Direct Access setup wizard. So they appeared as Extra Registry Settings: No worries. These are written to registry.pol:…
Quick tip of the day! Tried this one? Get-CsUser –Filter {LineUri –eq “TEL:+3581234567”} And got error: It won’t work. Try this one. Get-CsUser | Where-Object {$_.LineUri -like “TEL:+3581234567”} | ft -property DisplayName, LineURI And all is well!
Today I had to migrate an old wss 3.0 site to Sql 2012 R2. Made backup of the old DB and transfered it to the new server. Then restored it and tried. STSADM –o addcontentdb –url http://ssps001:7242 -databasename _wss_content_old -databaseserver…
Hi all, Does this look familiar to you? No? I sure do hope you wont ever see it. But if you do there could be a different reason for it than database or logfile corruption. Today I spent a while…
Hi all, Glad to see many has found my blog and that is why it’s nice to share things 🙂 Yesterday I installed an reverse proxy with IIS AAR 3.0 on Windows Server 2012 R2. Word of advice on this…
Clear logs in a single Exchange 2013 Server: Set-Executionpolicy RemoteSigned $days=30 #You can change the number of days here $IISLogPath=”C:inetpublogsLogFiles” $ExchangeLoggingPath=”C:Program FilesMicrosoftExchange ServerV15Logging” Write-Host “Removing IIS and Exchange logs; keeping last” $days “days” Function CleanLogfiles($TargetFolder) { if (Test-Path $TargetFolder)…
Mr. Exchange Server Pro Paul Cunningham wrote a guide for updating single servers and dag servers. After applying updates to Exchange 2013 environment. You will sometimes (yes not all the time) that EAC and OWA will break. Either displaying…
After applying updates Windows Server will want to restart in 15 minutes if you have logged on users. And there is no way to postpone it. shutdown -a wont work either. This is because the reboot process has been…