Category: Identity

Password have always been a major headache for people. And always consultant have said that password complexity matters, there any a lot of pages providing to check how secure your password is. What then if your password will be cracked…

Hi, This time I will be blogging about SQL databases. First a little about history. SQL databases had (and still have) a significant part in the structure of a software. They contain storage for the data and configuration for nearly…

Hi all, Today’s post I will be discovering possibilities with Entitlement Management from Azure AD. First you have to understand that this solution isn’t a complete Identity and Access Management product (IAM) If you are looking for these, please see…

Two blog posts ago I blogged about #ChaosDB, which was concerning CosmoDB. Somehow in bright mind (at 0630am) I successfully switched CosmoDB to MongoDB. After my blog post got some attention a got a Twitter notification that I had wrote…

Hi all, I just blogged about differences between AAD Connect and Cloud Sync Provisioning Agent. And today noticed on that Microsoft will be deprecating the first family versions of Azure AD Connect On 31 August 2022 “You need to…

Probably by now you all have heard about CosmoDB vulnerability thru Jupyter notebooks, right? If not here is a recap. From the security researchers at Wiz they found a hole from Jupyter-notebooks allowing a full access to CosmoDB databases. “Rather,…

Hi again, Now to my all-time favorite topic, Exchange covered with identity and security. How many times have see the error above when running HCW as an Exchange admin, I bet many and we will get to this later on….