Category: Azure

Section 1 – Implement an Identity Management Solution – Implement initial configuration of Azure Active Directory

This is the first section of SC-300 study guide and starting with: configure and manage Azure AD directory roles configure and manage custom domains configure and manage device registration options configure delegation by using administrative units configure tenant-wide settings Configure…

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SC-300 exam preparation series

Can’t stop learning, in parallel to AZ-500 I will start SC-300 study guide. Enjoy! The Sections There are multiple different sections in the exam, I wrote them more clearly below than in Microsoft Learn site. The sections are based on Microsoft…

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Section 5 – Implement platform protection – Implement advanced network security – Azure Firewall

Time for the next part in the AZ-500 study preparation guide. This time were looking at: Create and configure Azure Firewall Create and configure Azure Firewall Manager What is Azure Firewall? Azure Firewall is a cloud-native and intelligent network firewall…

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Azure AD Verifiable Credentials (PowerShell version)

In this blog post I will cover the setup Verifiable Credentials but first. What are Verifiable credentials? We use IDs in our daily lives. We have drivers licenses that we use as evidence of our ability to operate a car….

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AAD Connect multi-tenant sync now available

Couple of months ago I wrote about multi-tenant sync when it was still in public preview. So what has changed after it’s globally available? Before the documentation was stating: It is not supported to use the same custom domain name…

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Section 5 – Implement platform protection – Implement advanced network security – Hybrid and virtual networks

In this part we will be discover the following: Secure the connectivity of hybrid networks Secure the connectivity of virtual networks Best practices for securing Your networks: There is a lot more than these but these are a good way…

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Azure AD certificate-based authentication (Preview) + Publishing CRL with Application Proxy

Azure AD CBA allows user to sign-in with a certificate. Microsoft has removed the need for external ADFS federation. You can see the situation before this change from Sami Lamppu’s post. Feature highlights Facilitates onboarding to Azure quickly without being…

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Section 4 – Manage access control

This is the next section from AZ-500 study guide, now I’m concentrating on the following topics: Configure Azure role permissions for management groups, subscriptions, resource groups, and resources Interpret role and resource permissions Assign built-in Azure AD roles Create and…

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