Category: Active Directory

SSPR writeback to disconnected forests using AAD cloud sync (Public preview)

What is AAD Cloud sync? Azure AD Connect Cloud sync is a light-weight agent that is commanded from the cloud. So there is no databases with the agent unlike with the old Azure AD Connect. I wrote a post about…

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AAD Identity protection and Hybrid Identity

In the past years Microsoft made some excellent improvements for securing the Identity. One of these features was Azure AD Identity Protection and it’s proxy version to allow your policies to flow inside on-premises AD. It uses the same kinda…

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Azure MFA Extensions and Network Policy Server

Half legacy but half cloud. Many organizations use NPS for securing their wlan and lan traffic or just to authenticate user based on their location inside AD or group memberships. NPS is Microsoft radius-based access management solutions that has been…

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What’s new with AAD Connect V2 and why to migrate?

History of AAD Connect User synchronization solutions has been here for a long time and they have evolved all the time, sometimes faster sometimes slower. Middle of September Microsoft released a new main version from Azure AAD Connect and the…

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Hybrid identity best practices

Microsoft has world-class Identity support for different applications and for different organizations. Microsoft identity can be used for SSO in most of the applications no matter where it is. And the base for this is a well designed Hybrid Identity….

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Modernize your 0ldSk00l VPN and legacy shares

Companies have had for ages requirements for connecting employees computers to organization network. In the past I have done these setups with Ipsecs, point-to-point tunnelings and recent year with Direct Access and Always-on vpn style. Between these it was done…

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Enterprise applications SSO with custom manifest configuration

Hi, Didn’t find an article about this, so I decided to gather the pieces and put them in one place. First little bit of background. You have Azure AD and  on-premises or cloud-based application that you want to allow SSO…

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Exchange and hybrid identity

Hi again, Now to my all-time favorite topic, Exchange covered with identity and security. How many times have see the error above when running HCW as an Exchange admin, I bet many and we will get to this later on….

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AAD Connect compared to new Azure Cloud sync

*Update: “Automate provisioning users from Azure AD into on-premises applications Azure AD now supports provisioning into on-premises applications, and we have a preview that we’re excited for you to deploy and share your feedback. You must have an Azure AD…

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Using Azure File Shares with On-Prem ADDS Authentication and S2S VPN Tunnel

Nowadays, Azure Files supports identity based authentication over SMB through two kind of Domain Services. You can either use Azure Active Directory Domain Services (AADDS) or the old On-Prem Active Directory Domain Services that most of the environments already have….

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