AZ-500 exam preparation series

When I studied to my own AZ-500, I decided that I will make my own Exam Cram, study guide or whatever you want to call it. The goal will be on passing the exam or just refreshing Your brain. I…

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Azure storage accounts and how to secure them?

In the last part I explained what storage accounts are and how you can access them. In this part I will explain how to protect them from insider or external risks. Defender for storage Azure storage accounts are billed hourly….

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Azure B2C with AFD and custom domain(s)

Be default Azure B2C comes with login url. If you want to change it, you have to make use of custom domains via Azure Frontdoor. How to? Microsoft has an excellent article to establish this requirement. In the article…

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Storage accounts and the differences between SAS keys and Access keys.

Do you know how to secure your Storage Accounts? How about the differences between SAS keys and Access Keys? Some of you do but many of you don’t, so let me make an introduction to the differences. This is a…

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Insider risk management continued, device onboarding and protection

Now to part two of this series and onboarding devices to Compliance center. Continuing device onboarding. Go to device onboarding. You have these options to onboard. I will be choosing local scripts but the fundamentals will be the same no…

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Key auto-rotation in Azure Key Vault (preview)

Key rotation is Azure Key Vault is crucial for the safety of the keys stored in vault. You can store encryption keys, SAS-keys, user credentials, API keys and other secret then you can call them with in your queries. What…

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Azure AD Connect – How to un-break your Exchange Hybrid

AAD Connect v. came just a week ago and it had an ugly bug. What’s wrong? All the user that will be disabled in Exchange Hybrid environments will have their mailboxes deleted from the cloud. Shared Mailboxes had a long…

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AAD Connect – Multiple Azure AD tenants (Public preview)

Long awaited feature is here, now you can synchronize the same users, groups, and contacts from a single Active Directory to multiple Azure AD tenants. This topology implements the following use cases: AADConnect can synchronize the same users, groups, and…

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Azure AD Connect v. released

Release status 12/15/2021: Released for download only, not available for auto upgrade. Bug fixes We upgraded the version of Microsoft.Data.OData from 5.8.1 to 5.8.4 to fix a vulnerability Accesibility: We made the Azure AD Connect wizard resizable to account for…

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SSPR writeback to disconnected forests using AAD cloud sync (Public preview)

What is AAD Cloud sync? Azure AD Connect Cloud sync is a light-weight agent that is commanded from the cloud. So there is no databases with the agent unlike with the old Azure AD Connect. I wrote a post about…

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