Category: Identity

Azure AD External Identities with SAML IdP part 2 of 2

In this part we will see the end-user experience and what you could use instead of Direct federation. SAML-based External IdP can be also done with federating your cloud-based domains. The idea and the concept is the same but in…

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Azure (AD) recommendations with some explanations

This post is on recommendations, so here is my personal red alert type recommendation for all. You still have 83 days, give or take to establish a migration from ADAL to MSAL. Read from more Learn In the past months…

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Azure AD External Identities with SAML IdP part 1 of 2

In the picture above, you can see how Conditional Access will evaluate those guest users. The majority of users who are typically thought of as guests fall into this category. This B2B collaboration user has guest-level access in your organization…

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Azure AD Privileged Identity Management and new features

What is PIM? PIM has and will be a backbone for permission Just In Time access in Microsoft based environments. You can easily assign Permanent roles but also Eligible roles for admins and define timeout for the roles. They either…

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Section 4 – Mitigate identity threats part 2 of 2

Identity protecting is challenging if you don’t know what you should protect and when you do, you should know how to protect it. In the second part we will be discovering more on Conditional Access as a dynamic boundary in…

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Section 4 – Mitigate identity threats part 1 of 2

Last part was a blast, let’s see how long this one will be as it’s about Identity! Just like you can see from the picture above, Identity is every where and it could be the same Identity for all the…

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