Allow External senders to create meetings to a room mailbox.

This one is easy. Well hard to find, but easy. When connecting to Exchange with powershell (Onprem or Office365) get-calendarprocessing mailboxname | fl You will get the following listing: And ProcessExternalMeetingMessages with be set to False Just type set-calendarprocessing mailboxname…

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Add a Group as delegate to Room or Resource mailbox.

Just add universal mail-enabled security group to delegates … well no. Here’s the way… Set-MailboxFolderPermission -Identity “resource_mailbox:calendar” -User “group_to_add_as_delegate” -AccessRights Editor Set-CalendarProcessing -ResourceDelegates “group_to_add_as_delegate” -Identity “resource_mailbox”

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Install SQL when reboot is pending

Hi, First of all. There are some instructions that say you should remove pending renames from registry. Don’t do it. Just type text below from an administrative command prompt. setup /ACTION=install /SkipRules=RebootRequiredCheck

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Poodle and how to fix it.

Hi all, Poodle is the word of the day. No it’s not a Dog. What is does (Windows): How to find affected websites:   How to fix it (Generic windows Instructions):  Be warned,  

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Cisco VPN on Windows 8.1 – Reason 442: Failed to enable Virtual Adapter

Secure VPN Connection terminated locally by the Client. Reason 442: Failed to enable Virtual Adapter. If you receive this error on Windows 8 or Windows 8.1 while trying to connect with the Cisco VPN Client then the solution is a…

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Move Sharepoint database to a different server.

I wont write on article on this because I found an excellent ready one. But the situation is that you have to move sharepoint to a different server keeping the sql-server instance name as is. Thanks Todd!

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Enable multiple RDP Sessions 2008/2012 servers.

There are restrictions for a server without activate RDS-lisencing server. You cant enable multiple rdp-sessions from registry.  HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetControlTerminal Server Find a value fSingleSessionPerUser and set it to 0 Problem solved.

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Transfer SQL Logins and their passwords.

Hi again, Done this multiple times, but thought it would be wisdom to share it. Remember this wont be necessary in SQL 2012 and higher because they save users and password directly to the user database not the master database….

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Emergency calls with Lync in Finland

Hi all, Today I go local. Sorry all readers outside Finland 😉 Today I got to solve a problem with emergency calls in Finland. 1. Create normalization rule that allows user to dial 112, but transform it to… +3979CountyNumber112 List…

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Lync edge and broken replication with CMS.

Hi all, Yesterday a customer had a problem with Edge replication from Central Management Store (CMS) So installed Lync Logging Tools from And then started OCSLogger.exe on Frontend to see what was wrong. And started initated replication with…

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