Category: Identity

Conditional Access templates (Preview) and other tips on the side

First, I want to mention Microsoft Entra admin center and the announcement Microsoft made about it. You should care about it because starting from 2023 new capabilities will be rolled out to Entra. Also in December Microsoft started redirects when…

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SQL Server 2022 and Azure ARC with Azure subscription model

SQL 2022 has arrived and in this post I will try out the new setup that should have Azure ARC install embedded. Why to use Azure ARC with SQL 2022? One reason could be security, you will get these features…

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Do’s and don’ts concerning security for Identity part 8

Continuing from last post with the same topic but now from the negative side of things. What could go wrong if you don’t do it right. This post will assume that you are still having on-premises AD with ADCS and…

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Do’s and don’ts concerning security for Identity part 7

Once again, more best practices for Identity. In the last part I covered how we can protect your applications from leaking content. Keep your Identities secure and how to keep using MFA after on-premises MFA Server will not work anymore….

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Microsoft Defender for Office 365 Detection Details Report

If you want to learn more on from your email security, you could use this template to get and holistic view of what’s going on inside your environment. See here the announcement of the report. Why it matters? You have…

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Do’s and don’ts concerning security for Identity part 6

Continuing with the do’s of Identity and supposing that you are in part of your journey that you have either Hybrid or fully cloud-based identities. In the last part I covered how you can create your own roles and use…

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What is Azure Key Vault Managed HSM, how to install and eventually remove (if needed)

Managed HSM Key auto-rotation is generally available First the happy news! Key auto-rotation is also generally available for Managed HSM! Earlier this year it came to Key Vault already! Read more here about the Key vault auto-rotation feature and how…

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Azure Front Door and Zero-downtime migration now in Public preview!

Finally it’s here! This was introduced to the Roadmap in March 29th 2022. It was a long wait but it was worth the wait! Read here the full announcement! Why this is a big deal? First there was Front Door…

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Azure Automation Account and Run as account deprecation

First covering why I wrote this article, well this is one reason And another reason is that PowerShell 7.2 came out in public preview. All old things must come to an end, well at least with Cloud services as they…

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Do’s and don’ts concerning security for Identity part 5

Continuing with the do’s of Identity and supposing that you are in part of your journey that you have either Hybrid or fully cloud-based identities. In the last part I covered how you can keep your External users in bay…

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